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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - Steam

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - Steam

In Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, one player is trapped in a virtual room with a tic...


In Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, one player is trapped in a virtual room with a tic...

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Por Equipe Baixaki

Atualizado em 30/08/2023 17h47min
In Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, one player is trapped in a virtual room with a ticking time bomb they must defuse. The other players are the “Experts” who must give the instructions to defuse the bomb by deciphering the information found in the bomb defusal manual. But there’s a catch: the experts can’t see the bomb, so everyone will need to talk it out – fast!

Rounds are fast-paced, tense, occasionally silly, and almost always loud. Everybody has a role to play whether they are defusing the bomb or not. Swap out between rounds and share the experience with all of your friends!

Puzzle solving and communication skills - and maybe a few friendships - will be put to the test as players race to defuse bombs while communicating quickly, clearly, and effectively.


  • Challenging puzzles that will test the limits of your communication skills… and friendships?
  • A different bomb every time! Procedurally generated puzzles keep the action fresh.
  • Local multiplayer party game – A great way to experience VR with all of your friends at the same time!
  • Only one copy of the game needed! If you can talk to the bomb defuser, you can be their expert! Try using your favorite voice chat service and playing remotely.

The bomb defusal manual is freely available at and can be printed or viewed on a tablet or any other web-enabled device.
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Informações Técnicas

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  • Requisitos

    Minimum: ,OS: Windows 7 or higher ,Processor: 1.5 Ghz ,Memory: 2 GB RAM ,Graphics: 256MB DirectX 9 or higher ,Hard Drive: 1 GB available space ,Additional Notes: A printed copy of the Bomb Defusal Manual or an additional web-enabled device to vi
  • Lançado em

    2015-09-13 13:21:53.283
  • Oferecido por

    Steel Crate Games
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